ECO-WEED©    Weed & Moss Inhibitor

Spray among your vegetables. 
Non toxic - active ingredient is vinegar. 
No caustic emulsion as in Pine & Palm Oil products. 
People Safe. 
Aquatic Life Safe. 
100% Natural. 
No chemical residues. 
Other products claim to be organic, which does not mean certified organic. Eco-Weed is of equal status. This product is backed by Mount Tutu Eco-Sanctuary, which is a protected Wildlife Sanctuary. 
Kiwi made. 

A combo product that is effective against both weeds and mosses, is a new concept. 
The following are a few examples of the many weeds and mosses: 
Most Broadleaf, Thistle, Kikuyu, Mercer Grass, Erigeron Daisy, African Club Moss, Common Moss etc. etc. 

No soil residue meaning rapid greening after lawn spot spraying. 

A contact spray inhibitor that works by dehydrating foliage sprayed. 
Fast, next day withering of plant or up to one week with moss. May need repeat application at one week with plants or at two weeks with moss. 

Avoid non-target plants. 

Directions for use: 
Ready to use, no mixing for mature weeds, but shake well. Add water 1:1 i.e. 5 litres water to make 10 litres for small weeds. Shake mixture well. 

Store away from sunlight. 

Common sense safety & protect your eyes. Flush eyes with water if contact occurs. Avoid spraying on windy days. 
Best to spray on fine dry days and not if rain is expected in a few hours. 

The product you receive, is In a recycled container - please recycle again. 

Mount Tutu Eco-Sanctuary, R.D.3, Tauranga.